Power BI Data Protection and Security Toolkit

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Power BI Data Protection and Security Toolkit

The security blueprint for Power BI emphasizes eight essential protocols:

application control, patch application, configure Power BI tenancy settings, user applications hardening, restrict administrative privileges, multi-factor authentication, recover data and system availability, user education and awareness. These strategies are designed to create a robust defense against cyber threats, safeguarding sensitive data within Power BI’s environment.

Mitigation Strategies

Provide 5 Mitigation strategies for subject areas such as Application Control, Patch Application, Configuring Power BI Tenancy, User application hardening and many more

Up-To-Date Whitelist

Maintaining an up-to-date whitelist of approved Power BI components and extensions.

Timely Application of Security Patches

Ensuring timely application of security patches and updates for Power BI and related software.

RBAC & DLP Policies

Properly configuring role-based access control (RBAC) and data loss prevention (DLP) policies within the Power BI tenancy.

Disabling Unnecessary Features and Services

Disabling unnecessary features and services in Power BI to reduce attack surface.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Implementing strong authentication mechanisms like multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all Power BI users.

Control and Monitor Administrative Privileges

Tightly controlling and monitoring administrative privileges in the Power BI environment.

Establishing Secure Data Connections

Establishing secure data connections and credential management practices for Power BI data sources.

Backups and Tested Recovery Procedures

Implementing regular backups and tested recovery procedures for Power BI reports, dashboards, and data.

Security Awareness Training

Conducting effective security awareness training for Power BI users on topics like phishing, data handling, and secure sharing.

Maintain Audit Logs

Maintaining comprehensive audit logs and monitoring for unauthorized activities within the Power BI environment.

Below are some of the tailored Data Leak Prevention toolkit reports that can help with Data leak and data breach detection and helping to reduce Risk in your Power BI environment.  In addition, this toolkit can be customised based on client requirements.  Some of the sample reports include as below:

Report Type Purpose
Sensitive Data Discovery Identifies and classifies sensitive data within Power BI to ensure it is adequately protected.
Application Control Details which applications can interact with Power BI to prevent unauthorized software use.
Patch Applications Reports on the status of application updates and patches, ensuring all components are secure.
Monitoring Data Activities Logs data access and manipulation activities to quickly spot potential unauthorized actions.
Monitoring User Activities Tracks user actions to identify unusual or unauthorized activities that might indicate vulnerability.
Monitoring DataSources Focuses on data source connections and their security status to prevent risks.
Restrict Administrative Privileges Manages administrative access to ensure tight control and monitoring.
Workspace Access Control Details who has access to various workspaces within Power BI to prevent unauthorized access.
Disable Inactive Report Identifies and manages inactive or unused reports that may still access sensitive data.
Review Whitelisted Power BI Datasources Ensures that only safe and approved data sources are used for data operations.

Control of Self-Service BI

Control of self-service BI-Ensure compliance of data governance and access control while supporting self-service data analysis and report creation.

Balance Between User Experience and Security

Balance between user experience and security-while improving security, it still provides users with a seamless and efficient Power BI experience.

Determine The Existing Security Measures

Discover and determine the existing security measures of Power BI with the existing identity access management, DLP and other systems of the organization.

Determine Permission Level-Trade off Business Requirements

Determine the appropriate permission level-trade off business requirements and security requirements, and grant appropriate access rights to Power BI for different roles and users.

Industry and Regulatory Compliance

Industry and regulatory compliance-Ensure that the security configuration of Power BI meets the industry standards and regulatory requirements that the organization needs to comply with.

Manage Third-Party Tools and Connectors

Manage third-party tools and connectors-Evaluate and securely integrate any third-party tools, connectors or data sources used by Power BI.

Dealing With Legacy Systems and Technical Debts

Dealing with legacy systems and technical debts-dealing with legacy reports/dashboards deployed in older versions of Power BI and potential security technical debts in business processes.

Endpoint and Mobile Device Management

Endpoint and mobile device management-control the use and access of Power BI clients and mobile applications on various terminal devices.

Continuous Monitoring and Response

Continuous monitoring and response-continuously monitor the security status of Power BI environment, and quickly respond to and mitigate detected threats.

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